Sudoku1 - Keyboard management
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Management of Keys

The following table provides an overview of the use of different keys.

Type Keyboard key Action Mouse associated action
Cell modification  1-9 and A-Z Entry numbers or letters. Maybe a single number or range of possible values. Wheel Rotation.
Entry Terminates the Multiple Entry mode.
Clears the last search / proposal.
Click left on a cell
Delete Clears the contents of the box and the numbers possible / probable.
0 or Clear (backspace) Clears the contents of the cell. Push wheel
TAB Go to next cell
Top Arrow Selection of the cell at the top.
Down Arrow Selection of the cell at the bottom.
Right Arrow Selection of the cell at the right.
Left Arrow Selection of the cell at the left.
Cell Management Ctrl + A Select all cells
Ctrl + C copy
Ctrl + V paste
Ctrl + X cut
Action Management Ctrl + Y redo
Ctrl + Z undo
Display Panels F1 Viewing the Help
F5 Display or hide panel Method
F6 Display or hide panel Preference
F7 Display or hide panel Magic Select
F8 Display or hide panel Music
File management Ctrl + N Select a new game
Ctrl + G Start a new grid corresponding to current game.
Ctrl + O Open a backup.
Ctrl + S Save the grid in the state.
Printing Ctrl + P Print grid
Display F10 Displays possible in the cell Right Click on a cell
Ctrl + 0 Display None possible value
Ctrl + 1 Display cell which have 1 possible
Ctrl + 2 Display cell which have less than 2 possible
Ctrl + 3 Display cell which have less than 2 possible
Ctrl + 4 Display cell which have less than 2 possible
Ctrl + 5 Display all possible values in cells
Ctrl + 6 Display Line and Col possible values
Ctrl + 7 Display Probable values
Ctrl + 8 Display Found number or puzzle
Ctrl + D Display Coloring in Image Bar
Ctrl + 9 Filter Possible with Variant rules
Ctrl + W Display Warning and Errors
Solve F9 Propose a value using the selected solve methods Right Click on a cell
Ctrl + B Propose an iteration using the selected solve methods
Ctrl + R Fixes the full grid (solve all).
Variant Boat Ctrl + T Defines a boat in the selection Right Click on a cell
Ctrl + Q Defines No boat in the selection Right Click on a cell
Ctrl + U Clears boats in the selection Right Click on a cell
Search Ctrl + F Finds all solutions
Esc Cancels the current search
Page up Display previous solution  Wheel rotation.
Page Down Display next solution Wheel rotation.

In Debug mode, following keys can be used.

Type Keyboard key Action Comment
File Shift + T Save Text file
Reference Grid Inser Copying the current grid  in the reference grid   Grid must be completed
Start / Stop print Display / hide Reference Grid
Fin Appropriates result of the first research to Grid Reference  To be done after search
Macro Shift + C Continue Macro Record Relaunch macro after a break
Shift + M Execute Macro Execute macro
Shift + S Stop Macro Record Stop of recording the macro
Shift + Y Start Macro Record Start recording of the Macro
Shift + Z Fin Macro Record End of recording the macro
Display Shift + Q Show background cell in green if cell # reftab Difference with reference grid
Shift + U Print Grid file for debug Print parameter in a text file
Shift + 7 Display (or not) block number, or display search stat
Shift + 8 Modify Timeout Type as needed. Selected timeout is indicated.
Ctrl + H Expert func Please contact me.
Ctrl + M Stat Grid
Activation Debug Shift + H,K,N Just for fun (Look at version) Just put in right order…
Variantes Shift + 0 Single Grid Definition
Shift + 1 Twins Substitution Grid Definition Select NLine cells to define second grid
Shift + 2 Twins Relation Grid definition Select one cell first
Shift + 3 # definition DOT1 Select two cells first
Shift + 4 . definition DOT2 Select two cells first
Shift + 5 < definition LESS Select two cells first
Shift + 6 > definition LESS Select two cells first
Shift + 9 Last Number definition Select 3 cells, first in perimeter contains the last number.
Shift + A Naval Flight Affect Puzzle pieces to Boats.
Shift + B Irregular Block definition Select Nlines cells to define a block, and after select the block number
Shift + W Add current Irregular Block definition Add Irregular block in Reference file IRGblk.dat
Shift + D Distance Definition Select two value in a line or column first
Shift + E Even definition Select one cell first
Shift + F Echec definition Select one cell first
Shift + G Diagonal Definition Select one cell first
Shift + I Mets Jeu Double et Triple Select one cell first
Shift + J Magic Square definition Select a group of 3x3 cells
Shift + L Little Killer definition Select 2 cells in extreme diagonal, or 2 in perimeter line/column, or 1 in coins
Shift + O Odd definition Select one cell first
Shift + P Puzzle definition Select a group of contiguous cells
Shift + R Killer definition Select a group of contiguous cells
Shift + V V definition Select 2 cells first
Shift + X X definition Select 2 cells first
Alt + 0 Zero Killer definition Indicate that all killer pieces contain different values
Alt + 1 Twins Equal definition Set Second Grid, which is equal to first
Alt + 2 Twins Diff definition Set Second Grid, which is fully different from first
Alt + 3 Twins Zone definition Select a cell in first grid. Enter Alt3. Select a cell in second grid.
Alt + 4 Magic Table definition Enter letters to be set upon small circle. Go to next using arrows. Reinit to initialise.
Alt + 5 Magic Sentence definition Select cells with value in the right order. Alt5 will put magic sentence.
Alt + 6 Kimo definition Select 2 cells with values a and b. Kimo modulo a*10+b is selected.
Alt + 7 Non-consecutive definition Indicate that all cells with consecutive value can not touch
Alt + 8 Arrow definition Select N cells, first being the sum of others.
Alt + 9 Creasing definition Select N cells following needed definition. Enter Alt9 as needed to select your option.
Alt + A Dan definition Select group of Dan Cells.
Alt + B Tiled def definition After Puzzle cells defined, select the 4 corners of the grid.
Alt + C Clock definition Enter Possible to define each of the 7 segments. With greater possible, type as needed AltC to finalise the clock.
Alt + D Domino definition Enter Possible to define each of the 9 points. With greater possible, type as needed AltC to finalise the domino.
Alt + E Even Pair definition Select 2 contiguous cells. Reference grid must be set for automatic selection.
Alt + F Frame Sum definition Select at minimum 3 cells, one on the frame and other contiguous. 4 cells if block hase size 4.
Alt + H Frame Prod definition Select at minimum 3 cells, one on the frame and other contiguous. 4 cells if block hase size 4.
Alt + I Odd XXX definition Select cells to be set with X. Beware than all must have same parity.
Alt + J SkyScraper definition Select 3 cells, one in the perimeter. Automatic computation is done if reference exists. Else put skycraper value in first cell.
Alt + K Killer Prod definition Select a group of contiguous cells
Alt + L Wheel definition Select the center cell.
Alt + M Quad Min definition Select 4 contiguous cells.
Alt + N Numeral definition Select a starting cell. Then AltN. Then type Numerla key. Possible are indicated. Use arrow to move cells.Enter to finish.
Alt + O Odd Pair definition Select 2 contiguous cells. Reference grid must be set for automatic selection.
Alt + P Pencil definition Select cells with possible set as pencil required.
Alt + Q Quad Max definition Select 4 contiguous cells.
Alt + R Extra Region definition Select NCHIF cells to define an extra region (4 extra region maximum).
Alt + S Outside definition Select 2 to 3 cells, one in perimeter. To get only one ouside value, type as needed AltS with 2 cells selected.
Alt + T Trio definition Select Trio cells. Values must be in reference grid.
Alt + U Trio Data definition Open the Trio panel.Select symbol. Then type associated values. Clear erases all. Default set baseline.
Alt + V Oddview definition Select 3 cells, one in perimeter. To get only odd or even value, type as needed AltV.
Alt + W Numeral String definition Open Numeral String panel. Select one standard definition. Or enter each data for values. Character probability is indicated.
Alt + X XXX Pair definition Select 2 contiguous cells. Reference grid must be set for automatic selection. Beware than all x have same parity.D57
Alt + Y Pan Digital definition Select one cell in each block of the Pan Digital. AltV open the Pan digital panel. Select relations, then line or col.
Alt + Z Navigator definition Select center cell plus second in the direction of navigation. If needed press AltZ
< Transfer-Frame definition Select the transfer cells in a column or line.
ù Transfer-Highlight definition Select transfer cells to be masked.
: BatNav Odd definition
$ Equality definition Select 2 cells with equal value.
! Romain definition Enter value for Romain. With greater possible, type as needed AltC to finalise the data.D44
* DontTouch definition Indicate that all pieces with same value must not touch
; RotatedPuzzle definition Indicate Puzzle pieces can be rotated


For variants definition, the first selection defines the variant. Redo the same selection, cancels this selection for variant. An empty selection clean all selections for this variant.

For the Naval Fight (and for Tiled), enter first boats (pieces) by the command Puzzle. After the last boat, run the Shift + A (Alt+B).
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